14 Arrested After Protest Shuts Down Beltway

Via Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) Chief Spokesperson Pete Piringer.

14 people were arrested after all lanes on the I-495 beltway inner loop near the Colesville Road exit in Silver Spring were blocked Monday due to a climate protest. 

Maryland State Police urged drivers to avoid the area as police worked to clear the highway. Montgomery County Emergency Management and Homeland Security told motorists to expect significant delays and seek an alternative route. 

According to State Police, charges include disturbing peace/hinder passage and failure to obey a reasonable/lawful order. Four of 13 protestors arrested were also charged with resisting arrest. One counter-protestor was charged with second-degree assault and resisting arrest, police said. 

Rockville Barrack troopers responded to the inner loop shortly before 12:30 p.m. for a reported group of people sitting on the beltway blocking all lanes. State Police said the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) also responded. 

According to police, dispersal orders were verbally given to move to the shoulder of the road. Those that did not comply were subject to arrest due to public safety issues. 

Police said all lanes were open at 1:45 p.m Monday.

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