17 Months Later, Popular Landmark’s Bethesda Row Cinema Reopens

Landmark’s Bethesda Row Cinema reopened Friday after being closed for 17 months due to the pandemic. While crowds were not close to pre-pandemic numbers over the weekend, they were “solid” according to a spokesperson.

There are no capacity limits although people are encouraged to pick seats social distanced if possible.


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The county mask mandate is in effect except for people who are actively eating or drinking.

Seven of the eight theaters are now open with the eighth scheduled to reopen later this week. The full-service bar has not reopened although beer and wine are available at the concession stand along with a pared-down menu.

Landmark’s Bethesda Row Cinema, located at 7235 Woodmont Avenue, is one of only two movie theaters currently open in Bethesda. IPIC Theaters at Pike and Rose in North Bethesda is the other. ArcLight Cinemas at Westfield Montgomery mall in Bethesda announced in April that it was not reopening.

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