Two adults suffered life-threatening injuries Sunday in a high-rise apartment fire in the White Oak area, according to Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS).
It occurred at the Enclave Silver Spring apartments on Oak Leaf Drive, according to MCFRS Chief Spokesperson Pete Piringer.
MCFRS was dispatched for smoke on the 18th floor. Firefighters located and rescued two people from the apartment where the fire occurred on the 19th floor. The fire was confined to the unit, according to Piringer.
Piringer stated the building is non-sprinklered.
As of Monday morning, both adults remain hospitalized and no other residents were displaced or injured, according to Piringer.
Feature photo via MCFRS Chief Spokesperson Pete Piringer.
ICYMI (8/6) Enclave Apts, 20-story, non-sprinklered, high-rise building, fire confined to apartment on 19th floor (@mcfrs dispatched for smoke on 18th floor) FFs rescued two (2) adult occupants w/ serious injury, both remain hospitalized, no other residents were displaced or inj https://t.co/Aq50jhMZ4y pic.twitter.com/7ZCklzrObN
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) August 7, 2023
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