29 Montgomery Public Schools Report at Least One COVID-19 Case During March

So far during the month of March, 29 schools have reported at least one incident in which someone within the school community either tested positive or was assumed to be positive for COVID-19. Walt Whitman High School reported five cases, which is the most of any school. The majority of schools reported only one case.

These are the high schools that reported at least one case:

Quince Orchard (two cases)
Paint Branch
Bethesda-Chevy Chase
Walter Johnson
Walt Whitman (five cases)
Gaithersburg (three cases)
Winston Churchill
Montgomery Blair (two cases)

These are the middle schools that reported a case:

Robert Frost
John T. Baker

These are the elementary schools:

Lake Seneca
JoAnn Leleck at Broad Acres
Roscoe R. Nix (two cases)
Fields Road
Bells Mill (two cases)
Dr. Charles R. Drew
East Silver Spring
Glen Haven (two cases)
Kensington Parkwood
Georgian Forest

Also, one case each was reported at these schools:

Carl Sandburg Learning Center
Rock Terrace School

As Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) prepare for more students to return to the buildings in April, the state reported that as of March 24, 58% of MCPS staff has received a COVID-19 vaccination. This only includes staff members who have registered through the state vaccination site.

That percentage is the second lowest of the state’s 24 county school districts. Nine districts reported that all their staff members who have requested the vaccine have received it and another seven districts report that at least 97% of their staffs have been vaccinated. Montgomery County is only one of two school districts that said 100% of their staff want to receive the vaccine.

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