3 Leaders Honored for Service to Older Adults

photo of closeup of hands of group of seniors

The Montgomery County Commission on Aging honored three “outstanding leaders,” awarding them Community for a Lifetime Awards.

Stuart Rosenthal, publisher of Beacon newspapers; Mary Jo Deering, president of Washington Area Village Exchange; and the Oasis Lifelong Learning Program were awarded for their contributions to enable senior adults to live in the county for a lifetime. The awards were presented Dec. 21 at Holiday Park Senior Center in Silver Spring.

“The Community for a Lifetime Award enables the County and the Commission on Aging to recognize and celebrate those who contribute significantly to the well-being of older adults in the community,” said County Executive Marc Elrich.  “We are fortunate to have such dedicated individuals and organizations who make our community welcoming to older adults.”

Rosenthal was recognized for his work at the Beacon and the Beacon’s 50+ Expo, which offers health screenings and pertinent information to seniors. He chaired the Maryland Commission on Aging from 2007 to 2015 and also served on the state Aging and Disability Resource Center Advisor board.

Deering was called “a driving force in achieving COA’s vision.” She helped create and lead an intergenerational, no-fee village in her neighborhood.

Rosenthal Community for a Lifetime Award

From left:  Judith Rosenthal, Stuart Rosenthal and COA chair David Engel

Mary Jo Deering Community for a Lifetime Award

Mary Jo Deering receives Community for a Lifetime Award from COA chair David Engel

















Oasis was honored for its long-term service and innovative programming for the older adult community in Montgomery County. For the past 40 years, it has provided lifelong learning, computer technology education, health promotion and volunteering opportunities.

Oasis Community for a Lifetime Award

From left:  Anna Stokes, Janice Pilner, David Engel, Kathleen McDaniel and Leah Russi

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