3 Projects Receive Funding to Help Support Transit-Oriented Communities

Three transportation projects in Montgomery County received a total of $240,000 in funding Wednesday from the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board.

A study on how Montgomery County transitions its transportation impact analysis process for new projects received $80,000. The study will focus on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a key metric tool. The tool will estimate average daily VMT based on location and land use type.

Because projects proposed near transit have less of an effect on the environment, public health and infrastructure resiliency, this tool is believed to encourage the location of new projects near public transportation.

A Congressional Lane Complete Street feasibility study in the City of Rockville also received $80,000. The study will evaluate possible pedestrian, bike, transit and traffic calming improvements that could be added.

The study will identify three preliminary alternatives for redesigning Congressional Lane, which provides access to the Rollins Park community, Congressional Plaza Shopping Center and Montrose Park and is less than a half mile from the Twinbrook Metro Station.

The final project, which also will receive $80,000, involves a study that would connect the Takoma-Langley Crossroads Transit Center, which is the future site of a Purple Line light rail station, through a bikeway.

The project in Takoma Park will look into bikeway connectivity between the transit center and the planned New Avenue Bikeway along the New Hampshire Avenue corridor.


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