5 Things to Know Today, April 18, In Montgomery County

Today is Monday, April 18 and here are five things to know happening in Montgomery County today.

1. Federal Tax Filing Deadline: Today is the deadline to file Federal income tax returns. If you need more time to prepare your return, the IRS explains how to apply for an extension here. MyMCM spoke with Lauren Winebrenner, a public affairs specialist for the Internal Resvenur Service and she shared the following advice:

2 Schools Closed: Today is the last day of spring break for Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) students. Parents are being asked to test their students for COVID-19 with a rapid take-home test kit and report positive cases using this MCPS’ online form. If the test is positive, students should stay home and follow MCPS’ quarantine and isolation guidelines.

3. Municipal Monday:  The Gaithersburg Mayor and Council meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. The agenda and information packet may be found online. Poolesville Town Commissioners meet at 7 p.m., here is the agenda. The Rockville Mayor and Council meet for a worksession at 7 p.m. The agenda and information may be found online.

4. Health and Human Services Community Conversation:  The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is holding a series of community conversations. The conversations aim to let residents know about the services DHHS provide and get input on issues and services most important. Tonight’s conversation is being held virtually from 7 to 8:30 p.m.


5. (ICYMI) Ukranian Easter Eggs: A Montgomery County resident celebrates her eastern European traditions by decorating Easter eggs with Ukrainian symbols. This art is better known as pysanky.

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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