It’s Thursday, April 20, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.
1. County Council: Committee sessions today starting at 9:30 a.m.
See agenda here.
2. Ribbon-Cutting: Ribbon cutting event for the Bette Carol Thompson Scotland Neighborhood Recreation Center Resiliency Hub at 11:00 a.m.
3. Restoration Center: Community forum this month about a restoration center planned for two dozen acres of land along Seven Locks Road in Rockville at 7:00 p.m.
Rockville Historic Commission Holds Hearing on County’s Demolition Plans
4. Job Fair: Today from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at Upper County Community Recreation Center, 8201 Emory Grove Road, Gaithersburg.
5. Potomac Library (ICYMI): Refurbished Library in Potomac Reopens.
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