5 Things to Know Today, April 22, In Montgomery County

It’s Monday, April 22 and here are five things to know. Did you know the first Earth Day in the United States was celebrated in 1970? Check the weather forecast here.

1. Free Rides on Earth Day: Transit officials encourage people to ditch their cars today and enjoy a free ride across all transit Services. The Maryland Transit Authority offers free fare on MTA-operated transit today. The county also offers free rides on County buses today. Find your ride using the Ride On Trip Planner app.

2. Council Meetings:  Three Council Committees meet today to review operating budgets for multiple departments and non-departmental accounts today. Committee meetings are televised live on County Cable Montgomery or streamed live at http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/council/ondemand/index.html. Videos are archived and available 24 hours after each meeting concludes.

See agenda here.

Watch as the Education and Culture Committee holds its second worksession to review the Board of Education’s requested operating budget for FY25. The meeting is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. today.

3. Municipal Monday:  The Gaithersburg Mayor and Council will not meet again until Monday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. The Rockville Mayor and Council also do not meet today and will meet next on Monday, April 29 at 6 p.m. The public may join both meetings in person or virtually.

4. Area Streams Rated Fair: Nature Forward recently released their State of the Streams report.  Nature Forward encourages the community to support the health of the local streams by planting native trees and joining stream cleanups.  Montgomery Parks coordinates numerous steam and watershed clean up projects which may be found here.

State of Area Streams Rated Just ‘Fair’


5. Meet Julian Bradford: Walter Johnson student Julian Bradford stars as Jean Valjean in the school’s production of Les Misérables. MCM was honored to talk with Bradford and his mother recently. Take a look:

And One More Thing: Passover is an important Jewish holiday that celebrates the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Eqypt. The holiday is observed from the evening of Monday, April 22, to Tuesday, April 30.

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