5 Things to Know Today, Aug 16, In Montgomery County

It’s Friday, Aug. 16. Here are five things to know in Montgomery County. Check the weather forecast here.

1. Gun Buyback Event: The Rockville City Police Department, in partnership with the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office, will host a gun buyback event on Saturday, Aug. 17, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at RedGate Park, 14500 Avery Road in Rockville. This event offers a safe, anonymous way to dispose of unwanted firearms.

2. Thea LaFond Returns Home: Thea LaFond is back home after winning gold in the Paris Olympics in the women’s triple jump. MCM spoke with LaFond Thursday:

3. Maryland Tax-Free Week: Only two days remain to save the 6% sales tax on clothing and shoes under $100 or on the first $40 for backpacks. The last day to take advantage of Maryland’s tax-free week is Saturday, Aug. 17.

4. Montgomery County 75th Agricultural Fair: The fair continues through Saturday. MCM visited Monday to talk with fairgoers and participants at the week-long event.

5. Weekend Plans: Explore exciting entertainment options close to home with the MCM Roundup.

Aug 16-18 Weekend Roundup of Things To Do in Montgomery County

And Two More Things:

  • Financial Coaching in Silver Spring: Experts will offer free one-on-one financial coaching and workshops at the Silver Spring Civic Center on Saturday, Aug. 17.  The event is supported by the Financial Planning Association of National Capital Area, Britepaths, Capital Area Assets Builders, the Foundation for Financial Planning, and Together.
  • Wheaton TGIF Summer Concert: The alternative ’80s band Guys in Thin Ties will perform on Friday, Aug. 16, at the Wheaton TGIF summer concert at Marian Fryer Town Plaza. Arrive at 6 p.m. for a DJ set and happy hour, followed by live music at 7 p.m.

For the latest news and events in Montgomery County, stay with MCM. We hope you will also follow MCM on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

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