5 Things to Know Today, Feb. 10, In Montgomery County

Today is Wednesday, Feb. 10, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County:

1. AARP Maryland Vaccine Townhall: At 1 p.m., AARP Maryland is hosting a free tele-townhall with Councilmember Hans Riemer and Deputy Health Officer Dr. James Bridgers about COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Residents can register here.

2. Mental Health Conversation: From 6-7:30 p.m., County Health and Human Services will host a virtual discussion about grieving what was lost in 2020 and how to move forward this year. The discussion is free and no registration is required. Residents can watch live on County Cable Montgomery and the county’s Facebook page, or join Teams Live here.

3. County COVID-19 Testing Clinics: Free COVID-19 testing is available throughout the county at eight testing sites today.

4. Commission on Redistricting Meeting: The Commission on Redistricting will hold its first meeting from 5-6 p.m. on Zoom. It will be livestreamed on the county council’s Facebook page for residents to watch. Click here for more information about the commission.

5. Hypothermia Alert: Montgomery County is under a Hypothermia Alert until 2 p.m.

Throughout Black History Month, MyMCM will profile Montgomery County residents who have made significant contributions.


And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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