5 Things to Know Today, Feb. 14, In Montgomery County

It’s Tuesday, Feb. 14, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.

1. Valentine’s Day: As many people know, falling in love is a magical experience.  A person’s body experiences changes when love hits. MyMCM spoke with Dr. Fabian Sandoval, CEO, and research director at the Emerson Clinical Research Institute in Washington, D.C., about the health effects of falling in love and what happens to the body when a person experiences a breakup with someone he or she loves:

2. Montgomery County Council: Session starts at 9:00 a.m. with a Proclamation recognizing the Divine Nine Fraternities and Sororities, by Councilmember Sayles and Councilmember Jawando B. and a Proclamation recognizing Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month, by Councilmember Katz and County Executive Marc Elrich

See agenda here. 

3. Montgomery College: Learn more about how to stop sexual harassment today at 2pm, via Zoom.

To register click here. 

4. Transportation: Metro is asking anyone interested in providing input on the strategic plan to complete an online survey by Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 5 p.m.

Metro Seeks Public Feedback For Strategic Plan

5. Montgomery County Recreation: Customer service office will close at noon today

More information here. 

And One More Thing:  Residents are encouraged to stay current on changing weather conditions by signing up for ‘Alert Montgomery.’

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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For the latest news and events in Montgomery County, stay with MyMCMedia. We hope you will also follow MyMCMedia on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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