5 Things to Know Today, Feb. 22, In Montgomery County

It’s Tuesday, February 22, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.

1. Indoor Mask Mandate:  The county’s indoor mask requirement expired Monday at 11:59 p.m.

2. Metro Red Line Improvements: Starting Tuesday, Red Line trains will operate every 10 minutes, as opposed to the previous 12 minute intervals. On all other lines, trains are set to run every 20 minutes.

3. MCPS Athletics Capacity Restrictions:  Starting today,the public schools will not restrict the number of spectators at sporting events related to COVID-19.

4. Summer Camp Registration:  Montgomery Parks opens registration for summer camps today.

5. Calling Creative High School Students:  There are a couple contests open to high school students with a deadline of Tuesday, Feb. 22. Create a public service announcement to promote pedestrian safety for the “Heads Up, Phones Down” video contest. For those who enjoy writing, the Gaithersburg Book Festival s accepting submissions to their poetry contest.

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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