Today is Friday, Feb. 24. Yesterday temperatures hovered around the 80 degree mark and all three area airports set new records. Here is the 10 day weather forecast and 5 things to know today as we head into the weekend.
1. Entertainment for the Weekend:
- Savor Bethesda restaurant week continues through Sunday. Find information here.
- AFI Silver Theatre’s George Pelecanos Film Festival continues this weekend with a screening tonight of the 1973 film The Outfit.
- Pianist Brian Ganz continues his quest to play all the works of Chopin with a concert Saturday at Strathmore. MyMCM recently spoke with him.
- Tonight’s Afro-Cuban All-Stars show at Strathmore is sold out. MyMCM’s Andrea Sarralde spoke with bandleader Juan de Marcos:
2. FeBREWary Returns: Representatives from the county’s department of environmental protection will be at three events this weekend to encourage residents to conserve energy in their homes. The events will be held at craft breweries as part of the state’s month-long spotlight on the craft beer industry. At the events, the county will swap new LED light bulbs for inefficient bulbs. Also, a chef will prepare burgers on an induction cook top, which is more efficient than a gas or electric stove top. Samples will be available.
3. Black History Month: The Montgomery Parks exhibit “The Rise of Newmantown” is on display Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Agricultural History Farm Park in Derwood. Learn the history of Albert and Mary Newman, who in 1862 emigrated from Virginia as freedmen to farm and build a thriving African American community known as “Newmantown.”
4. Fentanyl Awareness Forum takes place at Northwood High School in Silver Spring Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. There will be information about the synthetic opioid fentanyl, training to administer Narcan, and a panel discussion. Resources for treatment will also be available. Those interested in attending can RSVP with Montgomery County Public Schools.
Montgomery Goes Purple, MCPS Hosting Fentanyl Awareness Forum
5. Heart Health and Resource Fair to raise awareness about the importance of heart health and to provide access to care and supportive services takes place Saturday, Feb. 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the East County Community Recreation Center in Silver Spring. Health screenings and free vaccinations will be available.
And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.
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