5 Things to Know Today, July 19, In Montgomery County

Today is Monday, July 19, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.

1. MCPS Teacher Headed to the Olympics:  John F. Kennedy High School teacher Thea LaFond is headed to the Tokyo Olympics to compete for the Caribbean nation of Dominica. LaFond holds the Maryland record in the women’s triple jump. This is her third Olympics!

Aspiring Olympic Gymnast DiCello Thankful for Opportunities

2. Ride On Flex Returns:  The county Ride On Flex transit service will once again provide rides in the Rockville and Glenmont-Wheaton areas starting today.

Ride On Flex Service to Start Up Again in July

3. Recycle Inspection Program:  Do you know what you can put in the county’s blue mixed recycle bins? Apparently, many of us do not. Last year the county received about 7,500 tons of non-recyclable items, so this year inspectors from the Department of Environmental Protection are visiting residential areas as part of the “Oops Tag” program.

4. (ICYMI) Metro Train Service:  Metro rail service is now open until midnight every day. The extended hours started Sunday. In September, trains will start running until 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

Metro Board Cuts Fares, Adds Hours and Bus Routes

5. Senior Planet Montgomery: Senior Planet Montgomery continues to offer free Zoom classes to senior residents. Today’s classes include “Money Monday: Money Maters” and “How to Spot Fake News”, and many more.

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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