5 Things to Know Today, March 25, In Montgomery County

Today is Friday, March 25 and today is National Waffle Day. Here are five more things to know today in Montgomery County.

1. Ride On 47th Anniversary Celebration: Montgomery County’s Ride On service celebrates 47 years of service. Today MCDOT teams will be at seven locations during the morning and evening rush hours to greet riders. The locations include Germantown, Silver Spring, and Takoma Langley Transit Centers; and Friendship Heights, Glenmont, Rockville, and Shady Grove Metro Stations.

2. U.S. Senator Ben Cardin Meets with Council:  U.S. Senator Ben Cardin meets virtually with the County Council at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will be televised live on CCM Channels Comcast HD 995 and SD 6 and live streamed on YouTube below:

3. Benefit Concert for Ukraine:  Carpe Diem Arts, a Silver Spring based arts organization will present a concert to benefit the Ukrainian people tonight at the Sandy Spring Museum at 7:30 p.m. Learn more about the concert at the Sandy Spring Museum website.

4. County Police Hiring Event: Are you interested in a career in law enforcement? This weekend the Montgomery County Police Department will be working with applicants to administer a written exam, conduct interviews and complete background screening on Saturday and Sunday. Anyone interested must apply online at www.joinmcp.com to attend.

5. RespectFest: In an effort to increase awareness of teen dating violence, the county hosts an in person festival Sunday, March 27 at the Wheaton Community Recreation Center from 1 to 4 p.m. Students in grades sixth through twelfth are encouraged to attend for information, resources, student performances, self-defense classes, yoga, raffles and free food. Students can earn up to three SSL hours for participating.

County’s ‘RespectFest’ Promotes Respect in Dating Relationships

And One More Thing: The county is holding five school-based clinics this weekend for pediatric second COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots. The clinics are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and appointments are recommended.

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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