5 Things to Know Today, May 10, In Montgomery County

Today is Monday, May 10, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.

1. Council Budget Work:  The Council meets today at 9:30 p.m. for a work session on the operating budget. Watch the session live here.

2. County COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Clinics: Free COVID-19 testing is available throughout the county at six testing sites today. Health officials continue to stress the importance of testing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Anyone 16 years and older is eligible for a vaccine. Make an appointment with any of the state’s mass vaccination sites, including the Germantown site. Or schedule an appointment online at the county-run clinics. If you need help making your first or second dose appointment,  email c19vaccination@montgomerycountymd.gov or call 240-777-2982.

3. Gaithersburg Book Festival: The festival includes five “Gaithersburg StoryWalks” for families to enjoy children’s books by exploring five outdoor locations in the city.  Explore our ‘Guide to the 2021 Virtual Gaithersburg Book Festival‘ for more choices throughout the month. Today the festival includes two virtual events:

  • Monday, May 10 at noon: Reuben Jackson moderates a discussion between three poets about voice and poetic form—Sandra Beasley, “Made to Explode”; Kim Addonizio, “Now We’re Getting Somewhere”; and Katherine Young, “Woman Drinking Absinthe.”
  • Monday, May 10 at 7 p.m.: Bethanne Patrick moderates a discussion between three fiction authors—Te-Ping Chen, author of “Land of Big Numbers”; Dantiel Moniz, author of “Milk Blood Heat”; and Elizabeth McCracken, author of “The Souvenir Museum.”

4. Municipal Monday: Gaithersburg’s Mayor and Council meet virtually at 7:30 p.m. for a work session. Kensington’s Town Council meet virtually at 7 p.m. The agenda and instructions to access the meeting are available here. The Mayor and Council of Rockville meet at 7 p.m. The agenda and work documents may be found here.

5. MCPS Summer Programs: Registration continues for summer programs for elementary, middle and high school students. The programs plan to address learning loss due to the pandemic.

And One More Thing:  Montgomery Community Media and the County Council discuss microaggressions in a special presentation titled #SeeMeMontgomery: Microaggressions. A microaggression is defined as: “A statement, action or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle or unintentional.” Watch the conversation here:


And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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