5 Things to Know Today, Nov. 23, In Montgomery County

It’s Wednesday, Nov. 23, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.

1. Hypothermia Alert: Montgomery County is under a Hypothermia Alert until 9 a.m.

2. Weekly Briefing: County Executive Marc Elrich and health leaders will hold their media briefing at 12:30 p.m. Residents can watch live on MCM channels 21 and 995 (HD), County Cable Montgomery and on the county’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

3. Thanksgiving: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. AAA Mid-Atlantic projects more than 1 million Marylanders will travel 50 miles or more from home this year over the holiday between today and Sunday. Montgomery County has announced multiple closures and operating hours changes for facilities, services, buildings and offices on Thanksgiving Day.

4. ICYMI: Nearly 350 students from Montgomery County public high schools participated in the 22nd Annual Latin Dance Competition on Monday at The Music Center at Strathmore in North Bethesda.

Hundreds of MCPS Students Participate in Annual Latin Dance Competition

5. MCM Fundraiser: Join us for Montgomery Community Media’s inaugural annual fundraiser, Party with a Purpose: Cocktail Reception and Fundraiser, on Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 6 p.m. at the Silver Spring Civic Building.

MCM Party With A Purpose: November 30, 2022

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

Coronavirus photo for tag page

For the latest news and events in Montgomery County, stay with MyMCMedia. We hope you will also follow MyMCMedia on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

nov 30 fundraiser graphic describing MCM's Party with a Purpose

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