5 Things to Know Today, Nov. 26, In Montgomery County

It’s Tuesday, Nov. 26, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County. Check today’s weather forecast here.

1. Early Release Day: Montgomery County Public Schools will dismiss students early today.

2. Volunteers Needed for Holiday Food Distribution: Thanksgiving is just days away. While many people will hold celebrations with their family that will include turkey and all of the trimmings, some will struggle to put food on their tables.

Volunteers Needed for Holiday Food Distribution

3. Rockville Student Art Exhibit: Students grades 6-12 who live or go to school in Rockville city limits are eligible for the 2025 Rockville Student Juried Art Exhibit. Entries must be submitted by Dec. 2.

4. Movie Night: The Montgomery County Police Department and Montgomery County Recreation will hold “Holiday Movie Night” tonight in Wheaton. Starting at 6:30 p.m., the movie “Home Alone 2” will play at the Wheaton Recreation Center at 11701 Georgia Avenue.

Police Department, County Recreation to Hold ‘Holiday Movie Night’ in Wheaton

5. ICYMI: This year’s county Thanksgiving Parade in downtown Silver Spring featured floats, performances, and Olympians.

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