Montgomery County Council sat as the Board of Health to get COVID-19 updates during a virtual meeting on Tuesday.
According to Deputy Health Officer Dr. James Bridgers, the county is making “great strides” in testing and vaccination efforts. Here are some highlights from the meeting:
- According to the Montgomery County Vaccine Distribution Dashboard, as of June 15, 65% of residents have received their first COVID-19 vaccine dose, while 57% are fully vaccinated.
- CDC still ranks Montgomery County number one nationwide for ages 12 and up population vaccinations compared to other counties with more than 300,000 residents.
- Data shows how Montgomery County COVID-19 cases have continuously plateaued compared to other jurisdictions throughout the state of Maryland.
- Dr. Bridgers says there is a “very low risk of transmission” throughout the county. He added that local health officials are continuously working on a highly robust vaccination program.
You can view the full COVID-19 update here starting at 1:22:19.
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