7 High School Seniors Named National Science Talent Scholars

The Regeneron Science Talent Search competition is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors, founded and produced by the Society for Science, and sponsored by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

On Thursday, 300 scholars were named, selected from 1,804 applications, which were received from 603 high schools in 46 states, Washington, D.C. Puerto Rico and eligible students living in eight other countries. Seven students from Maryland were selected as scholars. All seven attend Montgomery County public high schools.

Three students are from Blair, three from Poolesville and is from Walter Johnson High School. They each won a $2,000 award, and their schools will be awarded $2,000 for each of the seven students.

Their names, high schools and projects are:

Lauren Choi, Walter Johnson High School, Automated Breast Cancer Detection Pipeline via Mitotic Cell Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence

Efe Eroz, Montgomery Blair High School, A Novel Short Block-Length Coding Method for Arbitrary Channels

Phillip Guo, Montgomery Blair High School, Bandit-Based Multi-Start Strategies for Global Continuous Optimization

Dhruv Pai, Montgomery Blair High School, Representation and Deep Learning on Brain Surface Data for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Orion Foo, Poollesville High School, Powerful Quasar-Driven Outflows in the Local Universe from the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Hubble Space Telescope Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Archive

Benjamin Nachod, Poolesville High School, Assessment of Petroleum-Based Plastic and Bioplastics Degradation Using Anaerobic Digestion

Vivian Xiao, Poolesville High School, Clustering Gut Metabolomic NMR Data

On Jan. 20, 40 of the 300 scholars will be named Regeneron Science Talent Search finalists. The finalists will then compete for more than $1.8 million in awards during a week-long competition taking place March 10-16.  


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