Permitting Services Says Changes Make Application Process for Decks and Driveways Easier

The Department of Permitting Services (DPS) unveiled improvements to its permit application process for decks, driveways and dumpsters, promising a faster and simpler experience for applicants.

DPS announced the re-working of the process in the October edition of its Constructive Comments newsletter

The permits, previously categorized under either residential or public right-of-way, are now presented as distinct permit types in the initial dropdown menu. This change was implemented to enhance convenience and efficiency for customers.

“Our goal is to streamline the permitting process for customers,” said DPS Director Rabbiah Sabbakhan in the letter. “We are committed to providing excellent customer service and continue to look for ways to improve and innovate our processes as we strive to become a world-class permitting department.”

DPS customers can apply online at any time on the county’s website. Those with questions can call 240-777-0311 or visit the customer service lobby on the seventh floor of 2425 Reddle Drive in Wheaton from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

“This slight change to the online form is intended to make it easier for our customers to apply for a deck, driveway apron or dumpster permit because it reduces the steps in the application process and makes the application more intuitive from the start,” Customer Support and Outreach Division Chief Gail Lucas said in the monthly newsletter. “Look for more updates to the online application processes in the future.”

The rest of the newsletter listed DPS outreach activities, the upcoming adoption of the 2021 National Fire Prevention Association Fire and Life Safety Codes, fire pit safety guidelines for those looking to enjoy the autumn weather outside, upcoming career fairs and board meetings and more.

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