MDOT and Maryland Celebrate ‘Walktober’

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) partners with the state of Maryland in October to promote “Walktober”– a month-long display of activities that promote walking in Maryland.

Walking is the official exercise of Maryland dating back to 2008. Throughout the month, MCDOT organizes multiple events to promote the importance of walking.

Additionally, MCDOT partners with Vision Zero, a county initiative implemented to prevent traffic-related injuries and deaths.

“Walking improves your physical and mental health, strengthens community ties and reduces environmental impacts,”  County Executive Marc Elrich said in a statement. “We are committed to making walking and pedestrian mobility easy, safe and accessible throughout Montgomery County. ”

MCDOT hosts a series of events throughout the month. Here’s more information on some of the ones offered.

Monday, Oct. 16-Nov. 3, Walk & Ride: Employees working within the County’s six Transportation Management Districts can participate in team walks, which includes potential rewards for teams with high step counts. It’s not required that employees walk directly on-site of their company, and they can register online.

Thursday, Oct. 26, Equity Walkinar: Similar to a “webinar,” MCDOT put its own twist with its introduction of “walkinars.” Essentially, MCDOT’s Bikeways Coordinator, Matt Johnson, will speak on a state panel about techniques for improving transportation equity. Johnson will also discuss the County’s plans for improving roads and sidewalks. The 90 minute webinar starts at 10:30 a.m. Register to attend this webinar on equity. The other webinars hosted by the state are listed below:

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