Montgomery County Public Schools released important updates including information on the new Grading Options Tool and summer school programs.
A variety of summer learning opportunities for elementary and secondary students will be available. Registration for the MCPS Virtual High School Summer School will open on Friday, June 12. It will allow students to earn repeat or original credit for courses, including English, social studies, mathematics, science, and art.
Most of the programs start on July 13 and will continue through August 14 according to MCPS. More information will be provided throughout the summer as additional programs get added.
MCPS would like feedback from the community throughout the process. The parent survey on summer programs is open until June 12. Click here for details on specific course offerings, registration links, and online course requirements.
The high school Grading Options Tool is now live and accessible through students’ MCPS Google account. MCPS officials say this is a result of the revised grading policy which gave high school students the option of a letter grade or pass/incomplete for the final semester grade. Click here for more details.
In case you missed it, this June 7 community message includes information on summer school programs; the new grading options tool; and the end-of-year close out process: https://t.co/cZCls4Y6QO pic.twitter.com/2De9qA3USg
— MCPS (@MCPS) June 8, 2020
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