BikeMatchMoCo is a new service in Montgomery County that connects people who have a bike that they no longer use, with others who are in need of a bike.
COVID-19 has made it so that people who usually rely on public transportation are looking for other ways to travel, according to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation website. This new bike service is free and will give people who cannot afford a new bike another option for travel.
To donate or receive a bike, participants must live or work in Montgomery County. There is a form to sign up on the BikeMatchMoCo website.
The guidelines for using this program are listed on the website and include:
- Only offer bikes that are in “ready-to-ride” condition.
- If you are the one offering a bike make sure to properly clean and disinfect it.
- Those receiving a bike should bring disinfectant wipes or other cleaning materials
- The bike handoff should be done outside in a no-contact exchange with the proper social distancing guidelines. Both parties should wear a mask and gloves.
- If you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to someone who has, BikeMatchMoCo asks you not to participate in the exchange.
- For sanitary purposes, the bike exchange is permanent, but if you received a bike that you no longer need, you may donate the bike to someone else as long as it still is in good condition.
Questions about this program can be directed to MCDOT.BikeMatch@montgomerycountymd.gov or (240) 777-8380.
*Look* A New, free service, that enables people in @MontgomeryCoMD with an extra, unused bicycle to connect with individuals who could use a bicycle for commuting or running errands. @MCDOTNow @MoCoDHHS @mymcmedia
Details-https://t.co/FOvwlgouJh pic.twitter.com/KaElE5fvQN— mococommuter (@mococommuter) June 16, 2020
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