September 23 is International Car Free Day

Sept. 23 is Car Free Day, and the Metropolitan Council of Governments (COG) is urging residents in the Washington, D.C. area to put down the car keys.

Register for the international event at, which is organized by the Commuter Connections program at COG and is designed to encourage residents to embrace a greener lifestyle.

By taking the pledge at, participants not only help reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, they also save money on gas and parking and improve their health. All those who register are entered into a raffle for a chance to win prizes.

“Car Free Day is a chance to explore greener transportation and contribute to a healthier environment,” said Daniel Sheehan, Commuter Connections director. “With traffic congestion increasing, this is a perfect opportunity to experience the benefits of transit, bicycling, carpooling, and other options.”

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