‘Speak Up, Save a Life’ Video Contest Open to Middle and High Schoolers

Middle and high school students living in Montgomery County can now enter this year’s “Speak Up, Save a Life” video contest about the opioid epidemic.

The contest challenges teens to create an original video to promote awareness of the dangers of opioid abuse, overdose, and fentanyl among teens, per the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office (MCSAO).

The first place winner gets $1,000, second place gets $750, and third place and fan favorites get $500. The award money is donated by The Magnolia Companies in honor of Michael Pisarra and Matthew Loudon, two residents who lost their lives to fentanyl.

The deadline is midnight Nov. 8. Additional rules and the entry form can be found here.

The contest is part of MCSAO’s Speak up, Save a Life initiative aiming to educate the community about the opioid epidemic and provide awareness of Maryland’s Good Samaritan Law, which protects people who help in emergency overdose situations from prosecution for certain crimes.

In a release from the county, State’s Attorney John McCarthy stated, “The PSA contest gets young people talking about the dangers of opioid misuse and fentanyl. When students view the finalists’ videos to vote on a fan favorite, it repeatedly reinforces the messages that we want to spread in the community. It’s a powerful compliment to what we are trying to do; save lives and keep our kids safe.”

2023 contest winners and honorable mentions can be seen here.

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