2024 Ballot Questions: Maryland Constitutional Amendment on Reproductive Freedom, Term Limits for County Executive

Montgomery County voters will face two ballot questions in the 2024 general election. They will vote for or against an amendment to the Maryland Constitution and an amendment to the Montgomery County Charter.

Ballot questions require a simple majority of votes to pass. They are initiated either by legislative bodies or through citizen petitions. The Maryland General Assembly proposed the statewide constitutional amendment, while the Montgomery County Charter amendment comes from a citizen petition.

Voters often find it challenging to understand these amendments, but both questions will appear on the ballot exactly as written. All Montgomery County voters can vote on both the state and county amendments.

Below are details of both ballot questions.

Question 1: Constitutional Amendment on Reproductive Freedom

Here is the exact language from the sample ballot:
Constitutional Amendment
(Ch. 245 of the 2023 Legislative Session)
Declaration of Rights – Right to Reproductive Freedom

“The proposed amendment confirms an individual’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end the individual’s pregnancy, and provides the State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge, the right unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

(Adding Article 48 to the Maryland Declaration of Rights)

Pros and Cons:
Pros: Supporters say it protects reproductive rights at the state level, ensuring these rights remain secure.
Cons: Opponents may worry it limits the state’s ability to impose regulations, potentially expanding access to certain procedures like abortion.

League of Women Voters Guide for Ballot Question 1: Constitutional Amendment on Reproductive Freedom

Question A: County Executive Term Limit Reduction

Here is the exact language from the sample ballot:
Charter Amendment by Petition
County Executive – Term Limit – Reduction from Three to Two Consecutive Terms

“Amend Section 202 of the County Charter to decrease the term limit that applies to the County Executive from the current three consecutive terms to two consecutive terms. The decreased limit would apply to anyone who already has served two consecutive terms as of December 2026.”

Pros and Cons:
Pros: Proponents believe limiting terms prevents long-term political power and encourages fresh leadership.
Cons: Opponents argue it reduces voter choice by barring experienced officials from running again.

League of Women Voters Guide for Ballot question A: County Executive Term Limit Reduction

Voters will need to weigh the potential impacts of both measures when casting their ballots in November 2024.

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