5 Things to Know Today, Dec. 16, In Montgomery County

It’s Monday, Dec. 16. Here are five things to know in Montgomery County. Check today’s weather forecast here.

1. Blood Drive: The American Red Cross in partnership with Rockville Memorial Library will be hosting a blood drive today from 1-6 p.m. Register online at www.redcrossblood.org and at the top right hand corner enter the Sponsor Code: “MCPLRockville” or call 1-800-733-2767 to schedule an appointment.

2. Mobile Market Mondays: The Universities at Shady Grove’s Mobile Market free food distribution is back from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today. Stop by the room G318 on the ground floor of the Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Building, bring your grocery bags, and pick up some food. The market welcomes all volunteers, sign up here if interested in helping. Participants can park in lot 2 and will receive parking vouchers while picking up food. 

3. Municipal Monday:  The Gaithersburg Mayor and Council meeting scheduled for today is canceled. The Rockville Mayor and Council meet at 6:30 p.m. The agenda may be found online here.

4. Making a Difference: A 12-year-old Montgomery County girl is making sure kids in need get toys this holiday season. Annabelle Lee partnered with the County Sheriff’s Office, the Family Justice Center, and Sheppard Pratt to collect and deliver toys as part of her annual toy drive. They collected donated new toys, and Lee raised nearly $1,200. She was accompanied by a Sheriff’s Lieutenant to purchase toys from Walmart with the funding.

5. ICYMI: After 11 years leading the largest community-based organization striving to end hunger in Montgomery County, Manna Food Center CEO Jackie DeCarlo is retiring. MCM talked with DeCarlo about Manna and hunger.

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