Construction Set to Begin on South Silver Spring Park

Artist rendering of South Silver Spring Urban Park | Click to enlarge

Montgomery Parks will begin construction on the South Silver Spring Urban Park this spring, according to Montgomery Parks planner Ching-Fang Chen, as reported by Bethesda Magazine.

Located at 1110 East-West Highway, the park will include a promenade, multi-sports court, picnic area, pollinator garden, stage, shelter, and nature play space.

The initial construction began in fall 2023. 

“We are excited to be creating a first-class urban park in the heart of downtown Silver Spring, where nearby residents can gather with their friends and families to enjoy a variety of activities and amenities,” a Montgomery Parks spokesperson said at the time.

The site, formerly home to a National Tire and Battery auto center, was purchased in 2021. 

Montgomery Parks hopes to acquire the adjacent Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal property to expand the park, but the church’s owners have not agreed to sell according to Source of the Spring.

Construction is set to begin in late March or early April, with an opening planned for spring 2026.

A naming contest will launch later this month.


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