‘These Are Our Schools. They Don’t Belong To Billionaires, To Dictators’

More than a dozen Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) participated Wednesday in a national protest against cuts by the federal government at the U.S. Department of Education.

Joe, a sixth grader at Takoma Park Middle School, said he participated after his teacher told him about it.

“I’m opposed to injustice in American schools and these cuts,” he told MCM. “Teachers are what make people.”

Carolyn Henrich of Silver Spring joined the early morning rally at Takoma Park Middle School, because “I support public education, and I really detest what our president is doing.”

Teri Kanu, a special education teacher at TakomaPark Elementary School, said she participated, “because public education matters.”

Rallies also were held at Takoma Park Elementary School and Glen Haven Elementary School in Silver Spring.

Montgomery County Education President David Stein gazed out at the 150 participants, and declared, “These are our schools. They don’t belong to billionaires, to dictators.”

He added, “We need to protect our kids,” explaining that the U.S. Department of Education “supports our most vulnerable students.”

Montgomery County Council Vice President Will Jawando, whose four children attend MCPS, declared, “They want to privatize and dismantle” the current education system.

The Department of Education “was formed to make sure that all kids across the country had access to equitable education,” Jawando said. “Students with disabilities need the Department of Education. Our students who speak English as a second language need the Department of Education, and low-income students need the Department of Education.”

Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association, riled up the crowd. “When we fight, we win, and we are going to win,” she said.

The federal government is cutting education funding “when our students should be the ones getting more,” she said.

When she asked, “Are we going to let our society decline?” the crowd shouted back, “No.”

The rally ended as participating teachers were walked into the middle school building while chanting, “Feed our students. Not the rich,” “Education is a right. That is why we have to fight,” and “Don’t discriminate. Educate.”


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