$18 Million Jones Bridge Road Safety Enhancement Project Begins in North Chevy Chase

The Maryland State Department of Transportation Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is beginning an $18 million safety enhancement project along a half-mile portion of Jones Bridge Road in North Chevy Chase, the agency announced Tuesday.

“This project is part of MDOT SHA’s ongoing commitment to the Vision Zero initiative to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities through Maryland,” MDOT Administrator Tim Smith said in the announcement. “We are implementing roadway solutions focused on safe movement and enhanced accessibility for all users of the system.”

The work will be done by MDOT SHA’s contractor, E&R Services Inc. of Lanham and it includes the addition of a third left-turn lane to improve movement from eastbound Jones Bridge Road to northbound MD 185 (Connecticut Avenue). Other improvements include drainage and stormwater management upgrades, a shared-use path for bicyclists and pedestrian, traffic signal upgrades and landscape and lightning improvements.

MDOT SHA is also working in conjunction with the federal government’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) improvements.

“Improved access to Naval Support Activity Bethesda is vital to accommodate increased employment as a result of BRAC,” MDOT Secretary Greg Slater said in the announcement. “These improvements will make this area more accessible and safer for employees and commuters, in any mode of travel.”

MDOT SHA advises drivers to stay alert when traveling through work zones and to look out for reduced speed limits.

The project is expected to be completed by summer 2023.

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