Montgomery College Begins Search Process For Next President

Montgomery College Board of Trustees Chair Michael Knapp announced the beginning of the search for a new president in a press release.

In June, the Board of Trustees appointed Greenwood/Asher & Associates to help with recruitment services.

The College hopes to conduct interviews this fall and announce a permanent president before winter break.

During the process, the board looks for input from the community. People can tell the board what qualities they want in a president through forums that will open in September.

Until the new president takes over, Dr. Charlene Dukes serves as interim president of the college.

The position opened when former President Dr. DeRionne Pollard was appointed to be the President of Nevada State College after serving as Montgomery College’s president for 11 years.

According to the college’s website, “The most competitive presidential candidates will be those individuals who embrace the college’s spirit of innovation, performance excellence, and radical inclusion, and who have a combination of education, training, and experience appropriate for the position.”

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