The Shady Grove and Rockville Metro stations on the Red Line that have been closed for four months are expected to reopen Jan. 16, Metro announced.
The stations were shut so the Rockville canopy could be demolished and a new, steel canopy structure erected. Other improvements include installation of information screens, brighter lighting and modern faregates.
Also, Metro used the time to repair track and install about 7.3 miles of fiber optic cable for better radio communications.
The Park and Ride area was repaved at the Rockville station, and the pedestrian bridge was rehabilitated. At the Shady Grove station, the platform canopy, roof and escalators went under repair and updated faregates installed.
The canopy project is not yet complete. Work on the glass fiber reinforced concrete panels on the canopy’s steel structure still needs to be completed. Metro currently is making some other structural/design decisions, but the station will operate during this time, Metro announced.
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