Officials Holding Two Community Forums on State of Education in Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council Education and Culture Committee Chair Craig Rice, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Jack Smith, Montgomery College President DeRionne Pollard, and The Universities at Shady Grove Executive Director Stewart Edelstein are hosting two community meetings to present the state of education in the county.

The meetings are an opportunity to discuss academic readiness, career pathways and work-based learning opportunities that take county students from pre-kindergarten to careers.

Each of the education leaders will share state and county initiatives to support a robust education system. The meetings will highlight programs and opportunities that place our students onto pathways that lead to job readiness and career attainment. Speakers will discuss how their educational partnerships are focused on preparing all students with the lifelong learning skills needed for the jobs of the future.

With an emphasis on the educational continuum and intentional collaboration among county government, MCPS, Montgomery College and USG, the four presenters will share state and county initiatives to support a robust education system. The evenings will highlight educational programs and experiential opportunities that place our students onto pathways that lead to job readiness and career attainment. Speakers will discuss how their educational partnerships are focused on preparing all students with the lifelong learning skills needed for the jobs of the future.

The meetings also will provide information on current state and county funding proposals as part of the fiscal year 2021 budget process. The Council will adopt the County budget in May, which will go into effect on July 1.


Each community meeting will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the following days and locations:

  • Montgomery College Campus in Germantown on January 28
    Bioscience educational Center, room 151
    20200 Observation Drive, Germantown
  • Northwood High School on March 4
    919 University Boulevard, Silver Spring

“The education of our children is of the highest priority,” said Councilmember Rice. “Sharing the current State of Education in Montgomery County, ensures that our community members are aware of the initiatives we are implementing to improve educational outcomes. We also want to hear from community members about what is working well and where we should focus our efforts. Our overarching goal is to ensure a pathway from pre-K to J (pre-Kindergarten to Job) with a focus on preparing our students for the jobs of the future.”

For further information about any of the forums, contact Councilmember Rice’s office at 240.777.7955 or email him at:

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