Thousands of Birds Expected to Migrate Through County Wednesday, Thursday

More than 20,000 birds are expected to fly through Montgomery County on both Wednesday and Thursday during this peak migratory season. Between 8,000 and 20,000 birds are expected to fly through here on Friday.

Wednesday and Thursday nights after sunset are considered high density for this area as the birds fly south for the winter, according to Colorado State University and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Some birds fly south this time of year for increased food supply and better places to build their nests.

The Maryland annual fall count of migrating birds takes place Sept. 17 and Sept. 18. Bird watchers throughout the area are expected to get out their binoculars and report what they see.

A good spot to check out hawks during fall migration is Turkey Point at Elk Neck State Park in North East, Maryland.

BirdCast tracks the migrating birds throughout the United States. Just type in a location to get the forecast of migrating birds for that day.

According to Safe Skies Maryland, one billion birds die annually when they collide with a window. That organization recommends everyone place a decoration on less than 10% of a window’s surface to alert the birds. “These efforts reduce collisions by up to 90%,” according to Safe Skies Maryland.


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