Something to Chew On: Film Examines the ‘Dark Side’ of Gum

The Takoma Park Code Enforcement Division announced the screening of “Dark Side of the Chew,” a film examining the impacts of chewing gum, on Monday, Feb. 13. The film will be shown in the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium at 7 p.m.

Through various interviews, the 2014 film directed by Andrew Nisker takes a closer look at how plastics and sweeteners in chewing gum affect our health. Nisker also follows the long history of gum and its influence on culture, economic stability and the environment. 

According to a press release from the City of Takoma Park, chewing gum is one of the most consumed products in the world and the second most common type of environmental waste. 

Code Enforcement Manager Rick Baravechia said one of the division’s objectives is to prevent littering through the anti-litter initiative. Showing this film, Baravechia said, allows code enforcement to heighten both health and environmental awareness around chewing gum.

“The City of Takoma Park works on initiatives that help keep the City ‘Clean, Green, and Groovy!’ by eliminating litter,” the Takoma Park website reads.

The division follows several other bans and initiatives, such as bans on plastic bags, straws and stirrers to reduce waste in the community. 

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