Gov. Moore Orders Maryland Flag to Half Staff for Civil Rights Heroes Day

The Maryland state flag will fly at half-staff Monday, Feb. 20. Governor Moore ordered the flag to be lowered from sunrise to sunset in honor of Civil Rights Heroes Day.

Monday is the anniversary of Frederick Douglass’ death and has been recognized in Maryland as Civil Rights Heroes Day since 2021.  The day recognizes the courage, sacrifice, and relentless efforts of civil rights and abolition leaders throughout history and reaffirms our commitment to be a land of opportunity, hope, and justice for every citizen.

The Voices of Maryland’s Civil Rights Activists exhibition is currently on display at The Maryland Center for History and Culture in Baltimore.

The Maryland Center for History and Culture in Baltimore includes an exhibit on Maryland civil rights activists. The exhibition is on long-term view and also has a virtual component that includes oral histories. View the virtual exhibition online here.





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