Portable Classrooms Placed at Einstein High School Tennis Court

Albert Einstein High School in Kensington is losing one of its tennis courts to make way for portable classrooms, and athletes there are not happy.

The portable trailers are needed due to over enrollment at the school, explained Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) spokesperson Jessica Baxter.

“That is why the system is pushing forward with building and reopening Woodward High School to help with overcrowding in the downtown consortium,” she explained in an email to MCM.

A tweet from the football team questioned the placement and wondered whey MCPS didn’t consider the courts important. “Would you put them on baseball, softball or turf field? Do other schools get the same treatment? Please provide how this is equitable for our school and community,” Einstein Football tweeted. 

According to MCPS, “the Woodward High School project involves the demolition of Tilden Middle School and the construction of a new Woodward High School. The new high school will address urgent space needs at Walter Johnson High School and the Downcounty Consortium high schools.”

Meanwhile, MCPS’ facilities team is working with its athletics department to limit the impact on the tennis program, Baxter wrote.

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