Annual Reminder for Ice Skaters: Go to Rinks, Not Ponds

Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Services (MCFRS) has been reminding county residents to avoid skating on lakes, ponds and other bodies of water that appear to be frozen as they cannot typically support the weight of an adult or child. Each year many residents get injured during the winter from incidents that include exposure to cold water. Here are some tips from MCFRS and safe alternatives for skating.

What to do if someone falls through the ice:

  • Call 9-1-1 for help immediately and make sure properly trained and equipped rescue personnel are alerted to respond.
  • DO NOT go out onto the ice. Many times would-be rescuers become victims themselves.
  • Reach, Throw, or Row: Extend a branch, pole or ladder to the victim. Throw them a buoyant object such as a life ring or float tied to a rope. If a boat is nearby row out to the victim or push it toward them.

Where to ice skate safely:

  • Rockville Ice Arena
  • Cabin John Ice Rink
  • Wheaton Ice Arena
  • Rockville Town Square Outdoor Ice Skating
  • Silver Spring Outdoor Ice Skating Rink

Montgomery Parks also hosts ice skating events for the public and the next one will be on Thursday, Jan. 27 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. at the Wheaton Ice Arena. More information on the Skating Day event can be viewed here.

To read more safety tips for the winter, visit the MCFRS website.

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