Applications for Free and Reduced Meals Now Available

Families can now apply for free and reduced meals at MySchoolApps for the 2022-2023 school year. Eligibility requirements are based on household size and income, as well as other benefits such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), or Medicaid.

A new application must be completed each year due to changes in eligibility requirements. However, families can apply for benefits at any time in the school year. Household size and respective incomes can be found here. Links to video tutorials on the application process can also be found under the same link.

Any benefits from the prior school year will remain current through the first 30 scheduled school days, or until the 2022-2023 application has been processed. A notice is mailed to the household if the benefits are approved.

Notes to consider:

  • For faster processing, apply online. Households applying online are encouraged to NOT submit a paper application.
  • Paper applications must be completed in black ink (pencil not allowed).
  • First, last name, and middle initial are required for any application form.
  • Provide birth date, grade, and school, to quicken processing.
  • Use ONE application for all children in the household. This includes Pre-K, kindergarten, and foster children, even if they attend different MoCo schools.
  • If the child a household is applying for is homeless, a migrant, or a runaway, the child’s school must be contacted, or contact the MCPS Homeless liaison at 240-740-4511.

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