As Gas Prices Continue to Skyrocket, Here Are Some Tips for Saving

This week, the national average price for gas passed its highest record, according to AAA, which was set in 2008.

On Monday, Maryland surpassed its own record also set that year. As of Friday, both the national and state prices broke records again. The national average price is $4.331 per gallon and in Maryland it is $4.306. The cost of crude oil is rising following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which raises gas prices in the U.S., AAA said in a previous statement.

“While the conflict continues on the far side of the globe, consumers will likely not see relief any time soon,” the organization said in a statement Thursday. Also on Thursday, Gov. Larry Hogan announced he is working with legislative partners toward the emergency suspension of the gas tax.

To help drivers ease pain at the pump, AAA offers some advice. 

Fuel economy for most cars peaks around 50 miles per hour (mph) then drops as cars go faster. Slowing down 5-10 mph at highway speeds can help increase fuel economy, according to AAA.

Shut off your engine if you plan to stop for more than one minute; a car engine can use up to a half gallon of fuel when idle, but restarting the warm engine only takes about 10 seconds worth of fuel.

AAA advises people drive at a stable speed because acceleration and deceleration use up fuel. Drivers should avoid peak traffic hours and map their journey beforehand to avoid turnarounds and extra driving.

See more tips here.

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