Ban on Sales of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers Effective July 1

Beginning July 1, sales of gas-powered leaf blowers will be prohibited in Montgomery County. The ban applies to all engine-powered handheld, backpack and walk-behind leaf-blowing devices and is one of the final steps in completely phasing out the use of gas-powered leaf blowers and vacuums.

The prohibition of the sale and use of gas-powered leaf blowers was introduced after County residents raised environmental, noise and health concerns, leading County Executive Marc Elrich to sign Bill 18-22, Noise Control – Leaf Removal Equipment, into law on Oct. 9, 2023.

The county’s ban on the use of gas-powered leaf blowers and leaf vacuums goes into effect on July 1, 2025.

“The keywords with this bill are phasing out and phasing in,” Department of Environmental Protection Director Jon Monger stated in a press release. “We are phasing out gas-powered leaf blowers and phasing in electric leaf blowers over the next two years. We designed this legislation to give landscape companies, independent landscapers and the public ample time to comply with the law.”

As part of Bill 18-22, the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection is also developing an Electric Leaf Blower Rebate Program for businesses and residents. Under this program, landscapers with revenue under $250,000 annually or five or fewer employees can receive up to $1,500 in one year to purchase an electric leaf blower. Landscapers with revenue of over $250,000 annually or six or more employees can receive up to $1,000 in a year, while residents can receive up to $100 for one rebate.


Photo courtesy of Hector Alejandro via Flickr, Creative Commons Licensed

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