Maryland Department of Agriculture confirmed the presence of beech leaf disease in Maryland.
Beech Leaf Disease causes a dark banding or striping between the leaf veins. Trees with severe symptoms are heavily banded with yellowing, shrunken and thickened leaves. The disease can kill understory trees in two years and mature trees in six to ten years.
It previously has appeared in Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine.
An associated disease, nematode, Litylenchus crenatae maccannii, was located in Harford County.
“I applaud the department’s Forest Pest team for their quick action on identifying this disease,” said Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Kevin Atticks. “The team will continue to monitor and report the spread of Beech Leaf disease as it occurs. Homeowners are encouraged to do the same.”
Residents are encouraged to report symptoms of Beech Leaf Disease to a Tree Health Survey app or email fpm.mda@maryland.gov.
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