Bill Introduced to Create Airpark Community Advisory Committee

On Wednesday, Councilmember Dawn Luedke introduced a bill that would establish an Airpark Community Advisory Committee.

The Committee would be for neighbors of the Montgomery County Airpark (MCA), Airpark users, and other stakeholders to address facility operations such as noise and safety.

“The Montgomery County Airpark is important to our local economy,” Councilmember Luedtke said. “It also is situated near local neighborhoods and businesses that deserve a regular and open forum to learn about flight operations, work with the Airpark and Airpark users to better understand the benefits and impacts of facility improvements, and dialogue with air traffic regulators – most prominently the Federal Aviation Administration.”

If passed, Bill 24-23 would create a regular forum to discuss and propose recommendations to improve Airpark operations, according to the county council. In 2018, the MCA partnered with the Federal Aviation Administration to create a portal for residents to submit noise complaints. According to a 2022 report from the Council’s Office of Legislative Oversight, in 2019, there were 27 complaints, in 2020 there were 191 complaints made from 11 unique households, and in 2021 there were 2,835 complaints made from 35 unique households.

After a small plane crashed in Gaithersburg in November, many residents who live near the Airpark voiced their concerns for more regulation of the airpark. Citizens for Airpark Safety, a Facebook group with almost 100 people, are seeking immediate change to the Airpark’s operations that minimizes noise, maximizes safety, and reduces the lead pollution. A  counter Facebook group, Citizens Against Citizens for Airpark Safety with less than 10 members, voiced their support for the Airpark continuing to function as is and expand in the future.

The proposed committee would be required to submit an annual report on complaints, operations, recommendations, and other community concerns. Council President Evan Glass and Councilmembers Will Jawando, Gabe Albornoz, Sidney Katz and Laurie-Anne Sayles are co-sponsoring the legislation.


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