BlackRock’s Upcounty Consolidation Hub, Nourish Now Holding Food Distribution Tuesday

BlackRock Center’s Upcounty Consolidation Hub and Nourish Now – a nonprofit food bank – are hosting a drive-thru food distribution on Tuesday from 2-4 p.m.

As economic recovery begins, food insecurity spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic continues. The Upcounty Consolidation Hub and Nourish Now’s food distribution is yet another chance for county residents who are in need to obtain essential groceries.

According to the event announcement, people attending the food distribution will remain in their cars while they are given the groceries. Food will be distributed “while supplies last.” Walk-ups to the event will also be welcomed. Members of the community who want to attend but do not have a vehicle or have questions have been asked to contact

The food distribution will take place at Germantown Elementary School.

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