Blair Narrowly Leads Elrich in Early Voting for County Executive

photo of six county executive candidates in 2022 primary election

UPDATE: As of 6:45 am Wednesday, with 98% of the precincts reporting, David Blair has 39.51% (28,059 votes) of the votes. Incumbent Marc Elrich has 38.01% (26,997 votes) of the votes. The two are separated by 1.5% (1,062 votes.)

Mail-in ballots cannot be counted until Thursday and provisional ballots will be counted beginning July 27.


Businessman David T. Blair has the lead over incumbent Marc Elrich in the Democratic race for County Executive after early voting results per the Maryland State Board of Elections. Blair has 41.0% of the votes. Elrich has 36.7%. Councilmember Hans Riemer has 20.7% of the votes so far.

Election Day results could be reported later Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. Mail-in votes cannot be counted until Thursday. Final results are not expected until mid-August.

in 2018, Blair lost the primary election to Elrich by a total of 77 votes.

(Numbers from the Maryland State Board of Elections)

Democratic Candidates – Vote for 1

(0 of 258 election day precincts reported)

Name Party Early Voting Election Day Mail-In Ballot / Provisional Total Percentage
David T. Blair
Democratic 8,328 NR NR 8,328 41.01%
Marc Elrich
Democratic 7,453 NR NR 7,453 36.70%
Peter James
Democratic 325 NR NR 325 1.60%
Hans Riemer
Democratic 4,203 NR NR 4,203 20.70%


In the Republican race, Reardon Sullivan has 65.3% of the early votes. Shelly Skolnick has 34.7% of the votes.

Republican Candidates – Vote for 1

(0 of 258 election day precincts reported)

Name Party Early Voting Election Day Mail-In Ballot / Provisional Total Percentage
Shelly Skolnick
Republican 957 NR NR 957 34.72%
Reardon Sullivan
Republican 1,799 NR NR 1799 65.28%


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