Brothers Charged With Burglarizing Religious Properties

Two Catonsville brothers were charged with burglarizing two religious properties in Montgomery County.

Alex Dumitru, 23, and Natalian Dumitru, 18, were arrested in connection with burglaries they are believed to have committed in March and April. According to Montgomery County Police, the brothers forced their way into the properties, causing damage and stealing property.

Five places were burglarized, and the two brothers are charged with the burglaries at a residence attached to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Center on Good Hope Road in Silver Spring and the U.Z. Zen Institute on Liberty Mill Road in Germantown.

The brothers are alleged to be part of a Romanian crime ring that targeted mostly religious temples.

Natalian Dumitru

Alex Dumitru

Preliminary hearings for the brothers are set for June 14. They both are free after posting $10,000 unsecured personal bonds.

Baltimore County police officers assisted MCP detectives with serving a search and seizure warrant.

The two brothers were arrested inside their residence. Items of evidentiary value were found at the time, which police said connected them to the burglaries at the U.S. Zen Institute and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Police are also investigating burglaries at a residence on Spencerville Road in Spencerville, The Noor Center on Boland Farm Road in Germantown and a residence attached to the Wat Thai Washington, D.C. on Layhill Road in Silver Spring.

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