The County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will hold a public forum Tuesday evening to discuss proposed changes to Ride On bus routes 43, 63, and 66. The forum will take place at College Gardens Elementary School’s multi-purpose room in Rockville at 6:30 p.m. Residents can also join virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Starting Sept. 8, MCDOT will introduce the Ride On extRa Lime and Pink Routes, a high-frequency service featuring two routes between the Shady Grove Metro Station and the Universities at Shady Grove. Both routes will stop at the Great Seneca Life Sciences Center.
This new service, designed to enhance efficiency, will feature limited stops for faster service along parts of the current Routes 43, 63, and 66. During peak weekday rush hours, buses will run every 15 minutes, with a 30-minute frequency on weekends.
The service will continue with regular Ride On fares and benefit from traffic signal priority, ensuring that traffic lights stay green as buses approach for faster service. The new routes will connect to 30% of the transit network, including MTA buses, Metrobus, Metrorail, and 26 Ride On routes.
Although the deadline to sign up to speak at the forum has passed, written testimony will still be considered before finalizing any changes. Comments can be sent in writing, by fax, or bye-mail to the Division of Transit Services by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 12. Send comments to the Division of Transit Services, Ride On Public Forum, 101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor, Rockville, Maryland 20850. The division’s phone number is (240) 777-5800, and its fax number is (240) 777-5801. Send any email comments to mcdot.rideonpublicforums@montgomerycountymd.gov.
For more details about Ride On services and the proposed changes visit the MCDOT website.
Microsoft Teams Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 277 812 461 592
Passcode: qEFnTc
Dial In By Phone: 443-692-5768
Phone Conference ID: 697 462 894#
Photo courtesy MCDOT.
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