Business Charter School Previously Rejected by County Gets New Life

A charter school that previously was rejected by the Montgomery County Board of Education received new life Thursday when BOE members voted to move forward.

Following directions from the Maryland Board of Education, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) agreed to work with M.B.E.F. College and Career Academies, Inc. to see if it can open in the county for the 2025-26 school year.

After the BOE’s second denial of the proposed school’s plans this summer, charter school officials appealed to the state.

On Oct. 25, the state BOE directed MCPS to grant approval with contingencies that dealt with both finances and facilities planning.

M.B.E.F. wants to open a school in Gaithersburg with a curriculum based on business learning. It would be for middle and high school students.

BOE members had denied the request out of concern that the school would not be able to enroll enough students, have adequate transportation and be able to fund the rehab of the building it planned to use.

But following the directive by the state, MCPS now will enter into a contingent agreement by Nov. 21 that specifically enumerates the timeline and steps necessary to show that it can financially obtain and renovate a school building.

M.B.E.F. then has about eight months to show first preliminary financial and facilities planning reports and then final reports. MCPS staff will meet with charter school officials for support and feedback, explained Assistant Superintendent Niki Hazel.

Ater BOE members review those final plans, which must be submitted by June 11, 2024, they will vote at their June 24 meeting on whether to approve the proposed school.

The BOE Thursday agreed unanimously to these contingencies and deadlines without discussion.

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